
UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health


Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health


Disability Visibility group

This group aims at raising awareness about student/staff disability, both visible and invisible disabilities

daily struggles words I face

Group aims and objectives

  •  As well as raising awareness about students and staff disability, both invisible and visible  the group also aims to answer the critical issue: how do we define disability in 2022? 
  • We would like to be able to share experiences and good practices, and to examine the challenges that people with all disabilities face here at UCL GOS Institute of Child Health. This group aims to support and amplify these voices. 
  • We also wish to raise awareness of non-visible impairment ensuring inclusion of people whose conditions are hidden such as mental health conditions and unseen illnesses (e.g. chronic conditions, rare diseases).  
  • We would like to promote the interest of people with all disabilities at the UCL GOS Institute of Child Health on the Departmental, Institute and Faculty levels.  
  • As well as the objectives above after the success of our Athena Swan application we would like to carry forward the Athena Swan actions around disabilities.