


Technical Services

The Chemistry department makes use of the following research infrastructure and facilities offering a wide range of technical services.
Mass Spectrometry

Link through to our UCL Chemistry Mass Spectrometry pages for a full description of services.

MAPS Workshops

A precision engineering manufacturing service in a wide variety of materials, including ferrous and non-ferrous metals, plastics, ceramics and wood. Facilities: milling, turning, grinding, welding, plasma cutting, fitting and hand finishing. Available to Chemistry staff and students only. For further information please contact Peter Kelly


Information on UCL Chemistry NMR Instruments pages can be found on a seperate site that can be accessed though this link here

Chemistry Stores

Solvents and chemicals (only to UCL departments), Consumables and Stationery are available from the Chemistry stores.
Opening hours: between 08:00 to 12.00 and between 14.00 to 15:45. Please note that stores close at 15:00 every Friday for stock taking.  

All IDT related orders can only be processed or collected up to 15:00 daily

Storekeeper: Tony Field

Transmission Electron Microscopy

The department has a TEM available for general use.

A Jeol 2100 200 kV fitted with a LaB6 filament giving a point resolution of 0.13 nm.  It is equipped with bright and dark field STEM detectors and an Oxford Instruments EDS detector.  It is housed in LG26, in the basement.

Further information is avilable on our Transmission Electron Microscopy page

Scanning Electron Microscopy

The department has two SEMs, a Jeol 6701F and a Jeol 7600F housed in LG27, in the basement of the Christopher Ingold Building.  They are both field emission (FEGs) instruments and the instrumental resolution is about 2 – 3 nm as measured on gold particles sputtered onto a carbon substrate. Both SEMs are equipped with Oxford Instruments EDS detectors, and have Secondary Electron (SE) and Back Scatter Electron (BSE) Detectors

Further information is available on our Scanning Electron Microscopy page


Link through to our EPSRC/Jeol Centre of Liquid Phase Electron Microscopy page for a full description of services.