Chemistry, Light and Dynamics Group Seminar
31 October 2022, 3:00 pm–4:00 pm

Using high harmonic generation for time resolved spectroscopy on organic solids and gases
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- UCL staff | UCL students
- Free
CLD Committee
Malet Place Engineering Building Room 1.192 Malet PlLondonWC1E 7JE
High harmonic generation (HHG) is a universal phenomenon seen in all states of matter, and produces coherent pulsed Extreme UV (EUV)up to soft X-ray energies. It is a powerful tool for probing electronic and structural dynamics on few femtosecond timescales, particularly in organic media where the Carbon, Oxygen and Nitrogen K-edges can be accessed. The emitted harmonic spectrum can also provide insight into the structure of the generating medium, through HHG spectroscopy. I will show different methods to produce "water window” photons through HHG and examples of time resolved spectroscopy on organic polymers such as P3HT. We will also show recent results from HHG spectroscopy in both liquid isopropanol and wide band dielectrics, looking at how these spectra can be used to extract information about scattering and structure.
About the Speaker
Mary Matthews
at Imperial College London