
UCL Department of Chemical Engineering


Chaoran Jiang

Chaoran Jiang received his BSc degree in Chemistry (certified by American Chemical Society) with a mathematic minor from Northern Arizona University (USA) in 2012. After one year studying in MSc Chemical Process Engineering at UCL, he became a PhD research student founded by China Scholarship Council in Solar Energy Group at UCL Chemical Engineering in 2013. His current research focuses on the photoelectrodes design for photoelectrochemical water splitting.

Research project

Title: High performance device design for solar water splitting.

With the concern of upcoming depletion of fossil fuels and linked environmental issues such as pollution and greenhouse gases emission while burning them, solar energy, the most abundant,   renewable and clean energy source can be a promising alternative energy supply.

Solar water splitting is a feasible way to convert solar energy to hydrogen (H2), which can be used as a clean chemical fuel with high energy density. Since the first report in 1972 by using a TiO2 as a photoanode in photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting cell, researchers have put loads of efforts to develop an efficient, low cost and stable PEC devices for solar driven water splitting.

This project mainly contains thin film semiconductor materials fabrication, materials characterization, materials combination, and PEC cell configuration design for sustainable solar energy conversion to hydrogen.       


BsC in Chemistry ( certified by American Chemical Society) , Northern Arizona University (USA), 2012
MsC in Chemical Process Engineering, UCL, 2013