
UCL Changemakers


Changemakers needed to help roll out AssessmentUCL platform

20 January 2021

We are recruiting four UCL students (UG or PGT) to help roll out UCL’s new digital assessment platform, AssessmentUCL. 

Student with mask working on laptop

About AssessmentUCL

AssessmentUCL is a vital UCL initiative to transform and enhance students' experience of the way in which UCL students take assessment.  It aims to offer students a consistent and secure approach to using their own devices for assessment, both off-campus in 2021 (Covid mitigation)  and when students return to campus. In other words, it’s a move away from the traditional hand-written exam to a more modern, digital-first approach to assessment and feedback without remote proctoring. 

The new assessment platform offers a much wider range of assessment types and the ability to upload a variety of digital media and use different disciplinary languages. It will provide a more effective, accurate and efficient way to give you feedback on formative and summative assessment and assign your grades, and help your teachers to manage their assessments and feedback.  

We are looking for four students with the necessary skills and mind-set to become a co-creator for student communications and resources. 

As a UCL ChangeMakers project, you will be closely involved in meetings with project team members and have access to a range of resources.

You will receive a stipend of £150 on completion of the project.


There will be an early planning meeting in February 2021 and the first phase of the project will complete in April 2021.

Project aim

The aim of the work is to communicate key messages about the assessmentUCL project and provide guidance for using it, in the first instance, for all centrally managed exams. 


The main focus of the project will be communication so we are looking for students with great ideas and written/digital communication skills and experience.  

To apply

Please email assessment@ucl.ac.uk using the subject line: ‘AssessmentUCL changemakers application’.  Your email should include:

  • your name,
  • department,
  • year and level of student,
  • a 150 word statement explaining your experience and suitability for the role.

Closing date: 5pm 10 February 2021