
UCL Centre for Engineering Education


CEE hosts South African Innovative Engineering Curriculum team

17 December 2024

South African engineering educators spent two weeks hosted by the Centre for Engineering Education, shadowing our award-winning Integrated Engineering Programme team.

IEC Visitors group photo

A group of six visited from the Innovative Engineering Curriculum Project, a collaboration of multiple universities in South Africa, including University of Pretoria, University of Cape Town, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, University of Witwatersrand and Vaal University of Technology.
Following on from the IEC network visit in 2023, this visit was hosted by Dr Fiona Truscott (Associate Professor, IEP) and focused on team projects and how they are run within the Engineering Faculty. The group observed workshops setting up the team project and introducing social impact within the first year Engineering Challenges module, on how teams function within the first year Design and Professional Skills module and the group joined second year students undertaking scenario projects. We even squeezed in a visit to UCL’s new campus in Stratford!
More on the IEP: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/engineering/study/undergraduate/how-we-teach
More on the Innovative Engineering Curriculum Project: https://iecurricula.co.za/
Case study of the Innovative Engineering Curriculum Project and its development: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/centre-for-engineering-education/collaborate