
UCL Centre for Engineering Education


Professorial Inaugural Lecture: Emanuela Tilley

13 November 2023

On 24th October, Professor Emanuela Tilley presented her Professorial Inaugural Lecture on engineering education - the first in a series on engineering education in the UCL Faculty of Engineering. Read on for a summary of the lecture and a link to the recording.

On 24th October, Professor Emanuela Tilley presented her Professorial Inaugural Lecture, ‘Changing hearts, minds, systems and culture for the future of engineering education’ at UCL– the first in a series of Professorial Inaugural Lectures we are excited to be hosting this year. 

Professor Tilley, of the UCL Centre for Engineering Education, was hired in September 2013 to lead the creation of the project components of the newly envisioned faculty undergraduate curriculum reform project called the Integrated Engineering Programme (IEP). One year later, she delivered the first UCL IEP class to nearly 800 new first-year students from across the faculty. 

In this lecture, Emanuela reflects on 10 years of the IEP – from its inception to now and the future – and how her interdisciplinary industrial experience and education shaped her conception of project-based learning (PBL). She evaluates effective curriculum design in PBL, from assessment to pedagogy, nurturing students’ abilities through centring them and steeping projects in a wider, globally-relevant context, and discusses the challenges she faced at each stage. Covered also is how she and the team utilised the resources and knowledge available at UCL – both within and outside the faculty. 

The session was introduced by Professor John Mitchell, Co-Director, UCL Centre for Engineering Education, and closed by Professor Parama Chaudhury, UCL Pro-Vice Provost (Education - Student Academic Experience).

The full lecture is available to watch on our YouTube channel