Academic promotions for CEE colleagues
7 July 2023
The Centre for Engineering Education is delighted to announce that five of its colleagues have been promoted in the latest UCL senior promotions round.
Dr Abel Nyamapfene and Dr Elpida Makrygianni MBE have been promoted to Professor (Teaching) and Dr Fiona Truscott, Dr Chika Nweke and Dr Sarah Quinnell have been promoted to Associate Professor (Teaching).
Abel joined UCL in 2013 to lead the redevelopment of the mathematics provision as part of the Integrated Engineering Programme. More recently he has been leading the new MSc in Engineering and Education, based in the Institute of Education and run jointly within the CEE. Abel has published widely in engineering education with a particular focus on the career journeys of teaching focused staff.
Elpida is the Head of Education Engagement for the Faculty of Engineering Sciences joining the team in 2015. She is responsible for conceiving, delivering and implementing UCL Engineering’s 50:50 Engagement Strategy, creating a step change in the representation of girls and ethnic minority pupils on STEM Engagement programmes. Most recently she has focused on mentoring and tutoring programmes to provide holistic, long term support for students from underprivileged backgrounds to reach their potential and encourage them to study engineering. In 2019, she was appointed as an honorary member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE) for services to education.
Fiona joined the IEP Team in 2018 to lead the cross faculty engineering challenges modules that delivers the initial project-based learning experience to around 1000 students each year in the first year of their engineering programmes. She also currently leads UCLs participation in the Global Engineering Design Studio, a programme that brings together students from six leading universities in the UK (UCL), US (USC), Canada (McGill, McMaster and Toronto) and Australia (Monash) to collaboratively address a sustainability challenge.
Based in the Department of Biochemical Engineering, Chika leads the Design and Professional Skills I module that supports the development of skills in teamwork, communications, design and global responsibility for students across the majority of engineering departments. In 2021 she graduated with distinction from the Centre's MSc in Engineering and Education.
Sarah, based in the Department of Science Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP) formerly led the How to Change the World module, the capstone project of the first two years of the IEP that allows around 1000 students to work on wicked problems related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the last two weeks of term.