
UCL Centre for Engineering Education


Individual Peer Assessment of Group work (IPAC): new software, seminar and workshops available

15 June 2021

Staff at an event

The IPAC assessment methodology is a way of assessing students when doing group work such that their individual contributions as valued by their peers are considered. It is used to address concerns about the fairness of group assessment, which can consequently damage the student's experience during the module. The aim of this methodology is to provide student's with an individual mark that is based on their contribution, rather than all members getting the same group mark. This helps to promote student engagement and tackle associated problems.

We have a new and improved UCL IPAC system that allows teaching staff to run the IPAC methodology very easily and time efficiently, and helps to make the student experience and engagement better. The IPAC system is available on UCL Moodle, with excellent features such synchronization with Moodle groups. Documentation and training videos on how to use it are available here: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/engineering/ipac/help/index.html

In addition, we are running a series of on-line seminars and workshops to support the current and future users. If you are interested on any, please book in the links below.