The Centre produces reports and white papers across topics within Engineering Education.
Inclusion and Diversity
Leaders and educators in engineering in all higher education establishments should develop a five-year action plan for inclusive engineering education, according to a report published by the Royal Academy of Engineering and the UCL Centre for Engineering Education. Designing inclusion into engineering education, offers a practical look at how diversity impacts on engineering and offers universities strategies for change that they can use in designing their courses. It also calls for professional bodies and learned societies to commit resources to address the knowledge and information gaps for inclusion and funding to be allocated for benchmarking inclusive education best practice.
Liberating the Curriculum
The Liberating the Curriculum (LTC) working group at UCL is a group of staff and students formed to address the issue of an inclusive curriculum. The project created three case studies of inclusive provision within UCL Engineering.
Foresight: Engineering Education
In recognition that the challenges facing engineering and the potential solutions are global, the Lloyds Register Foundation and the Centre for Engineering Education at University College London hosted a two-day, international symposium consisting of representatives from engineering education, engineering companies and engineering professional institutes in September 2016 followed by a two focus group with students in 2017.
From Campus to Corporate
Working with a large, global engineering consultancy company, members of the CEE have used their expertise in the observation of work-based learning and professional education to enable the company to: – identify the learning potential of GDP induction sessions; – consider the contribution of the induction programme to the initial professional development of their graduates, and – reflect on how they might continue the development of the inter-professional skills engineers need for project work. More details on From Campus to Corporate.
Jobs for the Boys?
The Set to Lead project was funded by the HE STEM project and delivered by a collaboration between UCL and Katalytik. The project set out to investigate and address the differences in the transition between men and women from engineering and technology degrees into relevant employment. The project outputs were shaped by interactive discussions with employers, academics and students. Resources focused on embedding inclusive messages within them and on improving the levels of personal insights of both male and female students. More details on the Job for the Boys? report.
Gatsby Foundation: Vocational Pedagogy
The report addresses an issue which is relevant for the current discussion about the creation of Professional and Technical Pathways to employment – the contribution that excellent vocational teaching and learning makes to the development of the forms of expertise that employers’ require and that facilitate learners’ continuing employability. Further details on the Gatsby Report.
Interprofessional skills required by global consulting engineering companies
One of the rising challenges for consulting companies in all sectors of the global economy is to retain, develop and extend the range of contracts they secure from clients, and to contribute to the wider welfare of many societies. This report investigates the interprofessional skills engineers need for project work. Further details of the interprofessional skills work.