In Conversation with Angela Saini and Louise Archer
Angela Saini is a British science journalist, who presents science programmes on BBC Radio 4 and the World Service. Her writing has appeared in The Guardian, Observer, The Times, New Scientist, Wallpaper, Vogue, New Humanist and The Economist among others. She has won a number of national and international journalism awards. She has a Masters in Engineering from Oxford University. In 2012 she was a Knight Science Journalism Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her latest book, Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong - and the New Research That's Rewriting the Story, was recently published by Harper Collins and Beacon Press. Angela will be speaking about the themes the book explores and what they mean for women in science.
The session was chaired by Professor Louise Archer is the Karl Mannheim Professor of Sociology of Education at the UCL Institute of Education and shared her passion about social justice approaches to education.
Learning Pathways in Engineering
This conversation presented a fresh perspective by offering engineers-in-training an opportunity to become our panel of experts. The panel consisted of two engineers-in-training from industry (one from a company-based apprenticeship and one from a company-based graduate pathway) and two engineering undergraduate students. They discussed why they chose their engineering pathway; what they are learning and the ways in which the learning is organised on their respective pathways.
CEE Conversation Series: Are the Disciplines Dead?
Complex problems don’t respect disciplinary boundaries - so why do the traditional engineering disciplines, some of which were formed over 150 years ago, still remain the common operation unit across much of higher education? As many areas of industry are increasingly looking for a broader skill set and expecting their graduates to work across multiple areas, can our current structures still provide the education required for our graduates to succeed in the later half of the 21st Century?
The Role of Professional Bodies Within Engineering Education
As the engineering industry moves into the digital era, ways of working are changing profoundly and this will in turn affect the role of professionals. Yet the means by which professional competence is developed and assessed has changed little in the last 20 years. The UK enjoys an abundance of professional engineering institutions and other bodies that support professional development but many of these appear to be not as well connected as they should be with young people entering the industry. So what is the new role of professional bodies within engineering education? How can they adapt their professional development value proposition to members and employers in the digital world?