At CABI we are interested in creating new imaging agents and techniques to understand cancer growth, development and death. Imaging provides the ability to study these process in living organisms with unrivalled temporal and spatial resolution. Through the development of these imaging biomarkers we are able to probe the inner workings of the cancer cell itself, explore how the tumour interacts with its microenvironment, or monitor how existing, or emerging therapies (e.g immunotherapy) can be exploited to kill the tumour.
We are taking a multi-modal approach to tackle these important questions. Traditional imaging technologies, such as MRI and PET, are supplemented with new three-dimensional microscopy techniques, such as high-resolution episcopic microscopy and optical projection tomography. We are additionally exploring ways to extract further information from more traditional imaging techniques to further understand the role of tumour intestitial pressure and tumour redox status on drug resistance.
Our ultimate goal is to translate these novel imaging tools to the clinic. Our MRI techniques are being actively trialled in cancer patients, with further studies planned for the near future.