
UCL Careers


Recent graduates

All UCL graduates have continued access to services / resources provided by UCL Careers for up to three years after completing a course at UCL based on your course completion date as shown on your PORTICO record.
Three students in a lecture theatre, one of them is pointing at a screen

Logging in to myUCLCareers

'myUCLCareers' is your personal account for managing your engagement with UCL Careers which includes booking appointments / events, searching / applying for jobs and managing email subscriptions.

After you complete your course, the 'Student login' option for myUCLCareers will stop working when your old UCL user ID is no longer valid. At this point, you will simply need to follow our guidelines to register a different username / password for accessing your account as a graduate. These details will then be managed by UCL Careers rather than UCL ISD. 

Read our guidelines on how to log in to myUCLCareers as a graduate.

Three students sitting at a desk, one smiling

What you can access

The links on our homepage will direct you to information about key resources, different appointment types and the wide range of events we provide which will be relevant to whichever stage you're at in your career planning.

Whether you're unsure about your next steps or are starting to explore different options / ideas, need suggestions on the best places to find the types of opportunities you're looking for or if you know exactly what you want to apply to but need support with the recruitment process, (from applications through to interviews and assessments), we can help you to find the right path.

Visit our hompage today for more information on the services and resources that will be relevant to you.

Graduate Outcome Survey Logo

Graduate Outcomes Survey

The Graduate Outcomes Survey is the biggest UK annual social survey, and your collective graduate voice is powerful: it will directly impact the future of education for prospective students.

All students across the UK are surveyed 15 months after completing their course in the Graduate Outcomes Survey, run by the UK government.

Make sure that UCL has your up-to-date contact details so that you can be contacted to take part.

To update your contact details,
log in to PORTICO

What do UCL Graduates Do?

Graduates of undergraduate programmes:

Infographic table showing the sectors UG graduates go on to work in
Of those in work or study, 92% were in graduate-level employment or higher study. The median salary was £25,000.

Graduates of postgraduate programmes:

Infographic table showing the sectors PG graduates go on to work in
Of those in work or study, 95% were in graduate-level employment or higher study. Median salary was £28,000.

Source: Most recent Destination of Leavers from Higher Education survey of 2016/17 graduates, six months after they graduated. 7710 graduates responded (58.5% response rate).
*Taught and research postgraduate and doctoral programmes Recent UCL graduates went on to work in 110 countries and study at over 350 different institutions.

A message from the Alumni Relations Team

UCL’s global alumni community is made up of more than 350,000 former UCL students. After graduation, our alumni go on to discover and achieve remarkable things across the world. So, we encourage you to stay connected with UCL, London and each other.

Register for your account today at: https://aoc.ucl.ac.uk/alumni/login

Join the UCL Alumni group on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/57385/

And stay connected with the Alumni Team:facebook.com/UCLalumni | @UCLAlumni