
UCL Careers


Career Essentials interactive group workshops

Small group workshops (groups of 15-20) giving you the opportunity to work with other students on your applications, share ideas and receive advice from the trained facilitator.

What to expect

This lunchtime programme of workshops will enable you to take practical steps in developing your own applications in a supportive environment.

Programme includes:

  • A CV session where you will be asked to come along with a CV for a particular role that you are applying for. Working in small groups and with the facilitator you will have the opportunity to discuss and receive feedback on your CV. 
  • A Speculative Applications session that will increase your confidence and understanding of how to develop your speculative cover letter for an unadvertised job or internship.
  • A session on showcasing skills with STAR that will develop your ability to complete application form (and interview) questions effectively. You will have the opportunity to identify appropriate examples from your experiences, write structured STAR answers and receive immediate feedback on your work.

The programme of small group workshops will be repeated on a regular basis throughout the autumn and spring terms and again, post-exams, in the summer.

Booking information

  • The number of participants at each Career Essentials groupwork session is limited* so, places must be booked in advance through your myUCLCareers account.
  • When viewing all upcoming 'Career Essentials' events on the events calendar using the link below, simply add "Group" to the “Text search” filter to find view these workshops.
  • Bookings will open two weeks before each event takes place.
  • For each workshop, you will receive instructions about any preparation that you must complete in advance of the workshop (e.g. writing a draft CV to bring to the session).
  • Due to the interactive nature of these workshops and the small number of places available, it is essential that everyone who books turns up and attends the whole session. If you book and later realise you can't attend, you must cancel with enough notice to ensure your place can be offered to someone else. Failure to attend / wasting a slot and making the session less useful for others will affect your ability to similar events in future.
  • For email alerts to let you know when you can book onto specific events, we recommend that you update your myUCLCareers "email preferences" to hear about new events.

myUCLCareers: view upcoming workshops

myUCLCareers: register to receive event email alerts