
UCL Institute of Cardiovascular Science


Heart and Circulation

This module provides students with contemporary views on cardiac and vascular function, relating to human subject and treatment of cardiovascular disease to basic mechanisms and to help you develop independent study skills and teamwork and facilitating the development of your written and oral communication skills. We cover a range of heart and vascular physiology at a level beyond that found in standard text books helping you to develop your understanding of cardiac and vascular function in relation to cellular mechanisms and to gain an understanding of how to apply the above to understand the pathology of various cardiovascular diseases. Students taking this module come from many different backgrounds which will provide you with a mixed of open views about this topic.

Module code: PHOL0007

UCL credits: 30 credits

Module organisers: Prof Lucie Clapp and Dr Petros Syrris

Learning objectives:

  • To analyse and integrate information gathered from a range of sources
  • To  critically evaluate and interpret evidence, construct arguments and formulate hypotheses
  • To develop creativity and indpendent thinking
  • To develop time management skills by prioritising work and meeting deadlines
  • To communicate ideas and information effectively
  • To work both as part of a team and independently
  • To take on responsibility for personal learning and development


  • Introduction: understanding of essential aspects of cardiac and vascular physiology
  • Cardiac Physiology & Development
  • Vasculature & Growth
  • Risk Factors and Cardiovascular Disease
  • Heart Disease
  • Myocardial Ischaemia & Protection
  • Clinical Procedures


Essay (3000 words)15%
Unseen Invigilated Exam (2 hours)50%
Poster Project and Oral Presentation20%
Practical Session Report15%