Translating Ideas into Therapies
01 July 2021, 4:00 pm–4:50 pm

Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
Clare Cockerham
The global need for effective medicines is increasing, whilst the biology underlying new drug concepts is becoming increasingly complex. This meeting will outline how our research community is rising to address these challenges by following the early life cycle of new medicine concepts through 3 critical stages: 1) Identifying your target. 2) Drugging your target. 3) Gaining clinical insights. These session themes will run sequentially and blend the most exciting science from early career researchers, commercial organisations and key academic, clinical and industry leaders in the field. In addition, an interactive panel discussion will provide the opportunity to share perspectives on some of the most current and innovative routes though which to translate scientific ideas into impactful therapies. Topics in scope for this scientific program will include:
Target Identification & Validation
- Disease-centric biology insights & dealing with increasingly complex target biology
- Leveraging emerging platform technologies
- Deconvoluting target hit lists
Drugging your target
- How new drug formats are changing drug discovery
- New concepts in pharmacology – poly-pharmacology, cellular kinetics etc
- New models of collaborative drug discovery (panel discussion topic)
Clinical insights
- Experimental medicine studies with proprietary and/or essential medicines
- Examples of successful clinical translation of new medicine concepts
- Bringing patient data insights into the discovery pipeline
Through this joint meeting, being organised by ELRIG and the BPS, we aim to bring together the research community working in the field of new medicine creation with interests in developing their translational research ideas and applying novel technologies and means of collaboration to address critical clinical needs. Join scientists from academia, pharma, biotech and CRO’s either in person or online to hear talks given by speakers at the cutting edge of their field and gain strategic insights into solutions for increasing the success of your therapeutic ideas.
About the Speaker
Professor Lucie Clapp
at UCL