Terms of Reference
- to discuss follow-up action resulting from previous SSCC meetings, in particular any matter which was referred to the GT&RC meeting;
- to comment upon the outcome of degree programme and course evaluation questionnaires and any consequent follow-up action;
- to receive notification of any Divisional changes with respect to teaching, admissions, and assessment;
- to comment upon any significant changes to Divisional policy which would have a direct consequence for teaching, admissions, and assessment;
- to comment upon safety within the Division;
- to comment upon physical resources within the Division e.g. computer/library facilities etc.;
- to make students aware of the Departmental Equal Opportunities Liaison Officer;
- as part of UCL’s Annual Monitoring (AM) and Augmented Annual Monitoring (AugAM) processes to (i) receive and consider the Head of Department’s overview of the AM and AugAM reports and (ii) identify student related issues for further discussion by the DTC;
- to receive and consider copies of the annual reports of the Chairs of Boards of Examiners;
- to comment, at least once each session, upon the Personal Tutoring system;
- to comment on feedback to students on their assessed work to: (i) make students aware of the related UCL Service Standards and (ii) identify student related issues for further discussion by the GT&RC;
- to report to the DTC concerned by submission of minutes of each meeting of the SSCC to the officers of the GT&RC
All research students are welcome to attend but we ensure that each year group and part-time/full-time students are represented. MSc courses have one representative per course as chosen by their peers. The committee is chaired by the PTF and membership includes the APD, academic staff, and a member of administrative staff.