Staff use of UCL’s Research Publication Service (RPS).
13 June 2018
Important: Some staff members in the Cancer Institute are currently participating in an internal assessment exercise in preparation for REF2021 (Research Excellence Framework 2021).
Only staff who are eligible for return to REF2021 are taking part in this exercise, and these staff members will have been contacted separately by an email from me, and/or via their Division or Institute manager or REF lead, requesting their participation.
You should only take part in this exercise if you have received an email identifying you as eligible for return to REF 2021 and requesting you to submit outputs using UCL’s Research Publication Service (RPS).
If, when you log in to RPS, you see as one your actions “Start your REF Internal Assessment (UoA1) assessment”, pleasedo NOT respond to this request unless you have already been contacted by email asking you to do so. If you are in any doubt, please contact your Division or Institute REF lead (CI: Richard Jenner) or Manager, or contact me
Best wishes
Ian Zachary
Professor of Vascular Cell Biology
Vice-Dean Research, Faculty of Medical Sciences
Lead for REF2021 UoA1.