
UCL Cancer Institute


Virtual: Early Detection of Cancer Conference 2020

06 October 2020–08 October 2020, 9:00 am–5:00 pm

Cancer Research UK Early Detection of Cancer Conference

Together with OHSU Knight Cancer Institute and the Canary Center at Stanford, CRUK present the Early Detection of Cancer Conference series. The annual Conference brings together experts in early detection from multiple disciplines to share ground breaking research and progress in the field.

Event Information

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The Conference is part of a long-term commitment to invest in early detection research, to understand the biology behind early stage cancers, find new detection and screening methods, and enhance uptake and accuracy of screening. 

2020 Conference Agenda to be confirmed

The below 2020 themes are composed of 2-3 presentations and discussions:

Windows of Opportunity for Early Detection
Session Chairs: Sam Janes (University College London) and Pepper Schedin (Oregon Health & Science University)

Leveraging Risk Stratification for Early Detection
Session Chairs: Timothy Rebbeck (Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health Dana Farber Cancer Institute) and Fiona Walter (University of Cambridge)

The Future of Designing and Delivering Early Detection Trials
Session Chairs: Peter Sasieni (King’s College London) and Christine Berg (National Cancer Institute)

Making the most of Big Data – Early Detection and Artificial Intelligence
Session Chairs: David Wedge (University of Oxford, Big Data Institute) and Sharon Hori (The Canary Center at Stanford)

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