
UCL Cancer Institute


Mentoring induction sessions

02 April 2019, 11:00 am–1:00 pm

The next Mentoring Induction sessions for mentors and mentees will be held on Thursday 2 April at the Cancer Trials Centre.

Event Information

Open to



The CI Mentoring Group


Room G (1st Floor)
Guilford Street
  • Tuesday 2nd April, 10.00-12.00 in the Cancer Research UK and UCL Cancer Trials Centre, CTC Seminar Room, 5th/6th Floors, 90 Tottenham Court Road, W1T 4TJ. Register via Eventbrite

Having a mentor can be a useful way of gaining impartial advice and encouragement in a supportive relationship where you can bounce ideas around.  This can help with areas such as developing your career, developing professional networks, setting a work/life balance, or transitioning to a new role.

Being a mentor can have many benefits, such as furthering your own personal development, widening your understanding of UCL and how it works, and enhancing your job satisfaction through supporting the development of others.

Staff at all levels, and students, across the participating Institutes are invited to apply. This training is aimed at both mentors and mentees - to explain what mentoring is, what it involves and how it works so you can make a start to set up your mentoring relationship.

Please contact our mentoring champions Lucia Cottone or Nnenna Kanu (ci.mentoring@ucl.ac.uk) with any questions you may have about the programme.