
UCL Cancer Institute


Cancer Institute Seminar Series - Prof Nicholas James

23 July 2018, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

Prof Nicholas James

Professor Nicholas James, University of Birmingham, presents: 'The STAMPEDE trial: what have we learned and what will we learn in the future?'

Event Information

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UCL Cancer Institute


UCL Cancer Institute 72 Huntley Street

Prof James is the STAMPEDE Trial Chief Investigator. STAMEPDE is the largest interventional study carried out in prostate cancer with > 10,000 patients and features a novel multi-arm, multi stage design 1-4. Of the 6 arms that have so far reported results, 3 have shown clear survival advances. In the case of the first arms to report, upfront docetaxel led to a 25% improvement in overall survival 5,6. The LANCET commented in an accompanying editorial that the trial is “a multinational trial of unparalleled scope and size…” and “Equally important is the drug assessment paradigm.... that enables new .... approaches to be assessed at a more rapid pace than... with more traditional research designs.” The trial design has been adapted since inception to incorporate the addition of new comparisons as the earlier ones close. The first arm to be added evaluated the upfront use of abiraterone and showed a 37% improvement in overall survival with use of abiraterone in this setting.

Further information: Reducing the need for surgery in patients with muscle invasive bladder cancer

Hosted by: Prof Daniel Hochhauser

A light lunch will be served after the seminar. This seminar has been sponsored in part by the Biomedical Research Centre and Cancer Research UK

Main image: Prof Nicholas James credit Coventry Live