Distinguished Guest Lecture
15 November 2017, 4:00 pm–5:00 pm
Professor Vishva Dixit, Genentech, presents: Why so many ways to die? The non-canonical inflammasome pathway.
Event Information
Pearson Lecture Theatre G22
Prof Dixit laboratory was among the first to: i) show that caspases are components of the death receptor-induced apoptotic pathway; ii) demonstrate that death receptors signal by an entirely novel mechanism of recruiting and activating a death protease (FLICE/caspase-8) by an induced proximity mechanism; iii) identify the mammalian death protease equivalent to the CED3 protein in worms (YAMA/caspase-3) as well as other pro-apoptotic caspases including caspase-6,-7 and -9. iv) show that the death domain-containing molecule MyD88 is a key signaling adaptor; vi) discover paracaspases and metacaspases: two ancient families of caspase-related proteins, one of which plays a key role in MALT lymphoma; vii) discover the non-canonical inflammasome pathway.
Prof Dixit has made many contributions to biomedicine and his early work on apoptosis is prominent in introductory textbooks of biology and medicine.
Professor Vishva Dixit academic profile
Hosted by Professor Henning Walczak
The seminar will be followed by a canapé reception at the UCL Flaxman Gallery. Enquiries: Veronica Dominguez v.dominguez@ucl.ac.uk
Pearson (North East Entrance) G22 LT
Gower Street,
London WC1E 6BTView Map
The UCL Cancer Institute Research Trust would like to thank The Constance Travis Charitable Trust and the Finborough Foundation for supporting this seminar series