
UCL Cancer Institute


Euro Ewing Consortium

The EURO EWING Consortium (EEC) is a partnership of specialists working together to improve survival in Ewing's Sarcoma. Our mission is to improve all outcomes including duration and quality of survival for people diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma (ES) across Europe.

The EEC network has over 200 active members from 30 countries and a further 400 experts represented in the wider ES community. Collaboration is key to increasing survival and quality of life for patients with this rare cancer. The EEC plays a vital role in this through providing networking opportunities, facilitating working groups, and leading on patient advocacy. The EEC is led by the EEC Executive Committee and is supported by Bone Cancer Research Trust and The Ewing’s Sarcoma Research Trust.

"Paola Gonzato Memory Award" for bone sarcomas. Apply by 28 February.

The winning project will receive €3,000. It should demonstrate tangible outcomes in the advocacy or management of health services, or in improving patients' quality of life in bone sarcomas. The award is sponsored by the Fondazione Paola Gonzato Rete Sarcoma ETS, Italy. Submit a completed application form to info@sarcoma-patients.org.

Download Application Form

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Researcher uses lab equipment at the Cancer Institute

Contact the Coordination Team

  • Professor Jeremy Whelan, Professor of Cancer Medicine, Research Department of Oncology, UCL
  • Professor Sandra Strauss, Senior Clinical Research Associate, Research Department of Oncology, UCL  
  • Dr Abigail Evans, Scientific Project Manager, UCL
  • Ms Elena Gatti, European Research & Innovation Office, UCL
  • Ms Kimberly Cornfield, European Research & Innovation Office, UCL


Consortium Partners

  1. University College London
  2. European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer AISBL
  3. Centre Anticancereux Leon Bernard
  4. University Hospital Essen
  5. University of Birmingham
  6. University of Manchester
  7. Academisch Ziekenhuis Leiden - Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum
  8. Institut Gustave Roussy
  9. Institut Curie
  10. Grupo Espanol de Investigacion en Sarcomas Asociacion
  1. Servicio Andaluz de Salud
  2. St. Anna Kinderkrebsforschung
  3. Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli
  4. Skane Lans Landsting
  5. Innovative Therapies for Children with Cancer Association
  6. University of Leeds
  7. Universitaetsklinikum Erlangen
  8. Sarcoma Patients Euronet EV
  9. Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam
  10. University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation

What does the EEC do?

Consultation and implementation

The EEC Executive Committee consults with the wider EEC network at meetings and through emails and surveys. These inform the priorities and programme of activities.


The EEC brings together Ewing's Sarcoma experts to collaborate on trials, biological research, patient advocacy, funding calls and to identify and overcome challenges.


The EEC connects organisations, trial groups and charities to ensure that communication and networking that is essential to the success of the Consortium is developed and maintained.

Improving outcomes

Clinical trials ensure that survival and quality of life is improved for Ewing Sarcoma patients. The EEC supports the clinical and biological research from the EU-funded programme which funded the Euro Ewing 2012 and rEECur trials as well as the more recent InterEwing1 and iEuroEwing trials for newly-diagnosed patients.

Patient advocacy

Patient advocates are fully involved at the strategic level with membership on the EEC Executive Committee, the EEC Local Therapy Working Groups, NEWTS Group and Trial Steering Committees.

EEC Newsletter

The tenth EEC newsletter is now available.

Download the EEC newsletter

Watch our films

Patient advocacy has been a large part of the EEC project since 2013. Here are some of our current patient advocates talking about how they have contributed to our research.

MediaCentral Widget Placeholdermediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Player/H58bgdGg

MediaCentral Widget Placeholdermediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Player/bD33IHFC

MediaCentral Widget Placeholdermediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Player/0E1728df

EEC Membership

Membership is open to those in Europe and outside of Europe who are active in ES research / treatment or patient advocacy. Before applying, you must have attended at least one EEC meeting.

To apply for EEC membership, please complete our online form and send your CV and two nominations from current EEC members to eec@ucl.ac.uk.

Submit your membership

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