The remit of the Cancer Institute SAT team is review and improve current equality practices, ensure continued commitment to advancing the career opportunities for scientific and professional service staff and encourage adherence to the principles of the Athena SWAN Charter throughout the Institute. We aim to have a diverse rotational representation to ensure we have an appropriate wide range of views and experiences and to ensure the SAT is reflective of our Institute.
Joining the Athena SWAN self-assessment team (SAT)
The Athena SWAN SAT is now busying itself with putting the plan into action. If you would like to join the SAT, please contact our co-chairs Kevin or Kate. We are especially keen to recruit more male staff and students to the SAT as currently only 21% of SAT members are male and its important the committee is representative of the whole SAT.
Current SAT members
- Kate Brooks - Cancer Institute Manager. Committee Co-Chair
- Dr Kevin Litchfield - Principle Research Fellow. Committee Co-Chair
- Pippa Bark-Williams - Associate tutor and graduate tutor
- Becki Belgrave - Cancer Institute Buildings Manager
- Dr Robert Bentham - Senior Research Fellow
- Dr James Black - Clinical Research Fellow
- Sonia Buckingham - Safety Advisor
- Selina Chavda - PhD Student
- Dr Sarah Conduit - Research Fellow
- Dr Lucia Cottone - Research Associate
- Dr Maria Efthymiou - Research Fellow
- Professor Tariq Enver - Cancer Institute Director
- Dr Kasper Fugger - Senior Research Fellow
- Charlotte Galley - PhD Student
- Dr Dimitrios Garyfallos - Research Fellow Cancer Immunology
- Dr Emily Grist - Clinical Research Fellow
- Dr Yanping Guo - Flow Cytometry Translational Technology Platform Manager
- Bethan Hudson-Lund - PhD Student
- Dr Mazlina Ismail - Computational post-doc
- Dr Mariam Jamal-Hanjani - Group leader and EDI lead for CRUK CoL Centre
- Professor Richard Jenner - Professor of Molecular Biology.
- Dr Nnenna Kanu - Senior Research Associate
- Dr Ben Kinnersley - Post doc
- Sarah Koushyar - Teaching Lecturer
- Annabel Laidler - PhD Student
- Dr Gill May - Senior Research Associate
- Dr Paul Maciocia - Clinician Scientist and Consultant Haematologist
- Dr Nicola Maciocia - Clinical Reseach Fellow
- Professor Tim Meyer - Professor of Experimental Cancer Medicine
- Morgan Palton - Research Technician
- Dom Patel - ECMC Research Manager
- Dr Nischalan Pillay - Clinical Research Fellow
- Manuela Rossini - Human Resources Manager
- Louise Rusha - Departmental Equal Opportunity Liaison Officer (DEOLO)
- Dr Rob Sellar - Senior Clinical Research Fellow
- Aditya Shroff - PhD Student
- Wan-ni Simpson - Administrator
- Dr Silvia Surinova - Head of Proteomics Core Facility
- Kerstin Thol - PhD Student
- Dr Anna Wingate - Laboratory manager