
UCL Cancer Institute


Athena SWAN

UCL Cancer Institute is proud to hold a Silver Athena SWAN award in recognition of the the good practice and progress we have made in advancing the careers of women in science.

Advance HE Athena SWAN Silver Award

The Athena SWAN Charter was established by the Equality Challenge Unit to recognise commitment to advancing the careers of women in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM) employment in higher education and research. The Charter has since been expanded to cover additional disciplines and addresses gender equality more broadly. 

Athena SWAN Charter was established in 2005 to recognising advancement of gender equality: representation, progression and success for all. Athena SWAN awards recognise policies and practices that promote a positive and inclusive working environment for all staff.

Excellence needs everyone

Find out more about equality and diversity at the Cancer Institute, including our initiatives to embed equalities practices within the Institute and support our staff and students. 

SAT committee

Self Assessment Team

Members of the SAT at the Institute plus details of how you can get involved with Athena SWAN initiatives. 

Athena SWAN initiatives and support

Initiatives and support

View the latest Athena SWAN initiatives and resources aimed at promoting equality for all.

Equality and diversity

Equality and diversity

Resources for staff and students including training, support networks, bullying and harrassment prevention and Equality Liaison Officers. 

Shared Parental Leave

Dr Christopher Sng is a visiting Academic Clinical Fellow to the Cancer Institute. He and his wife, Grace, a corporate solicitor, are due their first baby in February. Chris spoke to us about his plans to take shared parental leave: the reasons why he decided to take shared parental leave, the support he has received from his CI colleagues and the excitement of spending undisrupted time with his new baby.

UCL Shared Parental Leave Policy

MediaCentral Widget Placeholderhttps://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Player/2368J8h4

Hear from our committee

Kate Brooks, Athena Swan Co-Chair

Kate Brooks - Institute Manager

Maria Efthymiou - Senior Research Associate

Maria Efthymiou - Senior Research Fellow

Sonia Buckingham - Safety Advisor

Sonia Buckingham - Safety Advisor

Athena SWAN at UCL

The central Athena SWAN team launched a new SharePoint site containing information, guidance and examples of good practice. 

Cancer Institute Athena SWAN submission

You will need to your UCL username and password to access the following document: