
Brain Sciences


‘Ignite’ app designed for the early detection of dementia now in testing stages

17 September 2020

As part of a growing movement to help restart dementia research at UCL following COVID-19, Dr Jonathan Rohrer and his team are launching ‘Ignite’ - a cognitive assessment app that is designed to detect early signs of dementia.


UCL researchers are searching for healthy participants to test Ignite app designed as a new tool to detect early signs of dementia. The app has the potential to reach a large number of people as it can be done at home without the assistance of a researcher.

Ignite tests a wide range of cognitive domains, from attention and problem-solving to emotion recognition, through to fun, game-like thinking tasks. By utilising remote methods of testing, Ignite has the potential to reach a large number of people as it can be done at home without the assistance of a researcher.

Before Ignite can be used to detect early signs of dementia, the app needs to be validated in a healthy control population. “We are asking as many people as possible from the general population to help test Ignite by downloading the app and completing the assessment at home,” explained Dr Jonathan Rohrer, Principal Investigator at the Dementia Research Centre.

Ignite takes 30 minutes to complete, and participants need to have an iPad and be aged between 20 and 80 years old.

The Ignite app could be extremely important, not only in helping to restart dementia research at UCL following COVID-19, but as a new tool that can detect early signs of dementia.
