
Brain Sciences


Clone of Research

UCL is ranked first for research power in Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience by the UK’s Research Excellence Framework (REF 2021), with more than two thirds of our research in these areas rated as world-leading (4*). Find out about the real-life impact of our work and how it is shaping the future.
research themes

Research strengths

Explore our research themes: neurodegeneration and neuroprotection; mental health; understanding and influencing behaviour; and sensory systems.

research impact

REF 2021

UCL’s research power in Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience has been recognised as the best in the UK by the Research Excellence Framework (REF 2021) results.

research impact

Research centres and domains

Learn more about the many platforms for cross-collaborative, interdisciplinary research within the Faculty, across UCL and beyond.


Postgraduate research

Find out more about our cross-disciplinary research training and the broad range of expertise and facilities we offer across our institutes and divisions.

early career researchers

Early career researchers portal

A collection of resources and information on training opportunities and networks to support our community of early career researchers.

How we perform

Why study with us?

We are a global leader in pioneering research into brain diseases, and are home to some of the world's most influential researchers in the field.

ucl enterprise


Find out how we support research impact within the Faculty and at UCL more broadly.