
Brain Sciences


Meet the researcher: Gorkan Ahmetoglu

My research focuses on the intersection between psychology and entrepreneurship.

Gorkan Ahmetoglu

23 September 2020

My research focuses on the intersection between psychology and entrepreneurship. Specifically, I am interested in the assessment and profiling of entrepreneurial traits in people and understanding the causes and consequences of individual differences in such traits. To this end, myself and my co-authors have developed a widely validated Measure of Entrepreneurial Tendencies and Abilities (META; Ahmetoglu et al., 2011) – a psychometric measure completed by over 350,000 people (entrepreneurs as well as employees and managers) across 50 different countries. Cuesta et al. (2018), reviewing existing instruments for measuring entrepreneurial personality traits, states “In an international context, the META questionnaire has probably been the most widely accepted (p.2)”. The main aim of my inter-disciplinary research is to utilise META and other psychological tools and techniques to promote innovation in established corporations, facilitate the performance of entrepreneurs/founders (and start-ups), and develop high performing entrepreneurial regions.