
Brain Sciences


Brain Sciences Carers Fund

Staff, PhD students and Professional Doctorate students can apply for up to £500 to support parental and caring responsibilities.

Being able to work or study whilst dealing with parental and other caring responsibilities is essential for a healthy working culture, where everyone can achieve their full potential. To support this, the Faculty of Brain Sciences is launching a Carers Fund to enable all staff and PhD students with caring responsibilities to attend meetings, conferences, workshops and work events outside normal working patterns.

Staff, PhD students and Professional Doctorate students can apply for up to £500, and applications will be accepted throughout the year.

To apply, please read through the carers fund policy and contact fbs.edi@ucl.ac.uk and confirm that you have completed the application form

If you have any questions please contact the FBS EDI Manager, Avili Feese a.feese@ucl.ac.uk or contact fbs.edi@ucl.ac.uk.