Within the Faculty of Brain Sciences, we support UCL's goal to acknowledge, understand, and tackle structural inequities and unjust social power imbalances that affect our community
Our vision
A Faculty which is well engaged and educated in EDI values, with reduced inequalities and an inclusive culture for students, staff, and leadership.
Our mission
Establish leadership and governance to ensure effective processes for EDI work, monitor our work to promote equity and inclusion and beacon our work to embed good practice across FBS and beyond
Our 6 pillars
Fulfilling our vision and mission rests upon six pillars which capture the broad range of areas which need improving. These goals can be broadly divided into whether they are enabling effective EDI progress (mission) or ensuring we reach our desired outcomes (vision).
Strong leadership and governance.
Increase engagement of all staff and students in improving faculty culture.
Be a beacon of good practice: advance knowledge of, share and adopt, best practice in EDI.
Reduce existing inequalities in admissions, support and participation and awards for all students.
Reduce existing inequalities in recruitment, access to carer development opportunities and progression for all staff.
Champion a culture of belonging, accessibility and inclusion for all identities.
Faculty of Brain Sciences EDI strategy
We encourage you to read our strategy for 2019-25.
Faculty of Brain Sciences EDI strategy 2019-25
FBS EDI Annual Reports
We encourage you to read our annual reports, which summarise our progress in advancing equity and inclusion, and provide insight into achieving incremental culture change. Our first report covers five years, with successive reports released annually.