The Annual Seminar was an opportunity for staff to showcase research funded by the ERB Centre.
The Annual Seminar provided the opportunity to showcase the work being undertaken with and by staff in the Faculty of Brain Sciences to realise our vision of generating outstanding EDI research that beacons EDI expertise, best practice, and knowledge generation in brain and mind sciences.

Below are the recorded presentations presented at the Annual Seminar by recipients of the ERB centre grant:
iLeadUp - Rashmi Mathew and Jocelyn Cammack
Experiences of minoritised students on a speech and language therapy programme- Dr Rachel Rees
EDI in neuroimaging research - Dwaynica Greaves
Inclusiveness in mental health research - Dr Patrizia Pezzoli
Increasing involvement of Black African people in Parkinson's dementia research - Dr Angelika Zarkal
Participatory research in depression and autism (PRIDA) - Dr Georgia Pavlopoulou
The strucutre of, and intervention to, university belongingness - Audrey Zhang