NPP Dr. Fabrizi and Prof Fitzgerald lab news
16 October 2020
NPP Dr. Fabrizi and Prof Fitzgerald lab news
Dr Lorenzo Fabrizi is pleased to announce the following publication and scientific engagements:-
Jones L, Pureza Laudiano-Dray M, Whitehead K, Meek J, Fitzgerald M, Fabrizi L, Pillai-Riddell R. The impact of parental contact upon cortical noxious-related activity in human neonates. Eur J Pain. 2020;00:1–11.
This article was editor's choice and Lorenzo, Dr Laura Jones and Prof Pillai-Riddell were interviewed for a video abstract.
Dr Laura Jones was also interviewed by BBC Radio 4’s ‘Woman’s Hour’ (from 13 mins 30 secs).
The article received further national and international coverage: Reuters, Mail Online, Telegraph (£), BBC Science Focus, National Post (Canada), Yahoo! News, Mail Online (2), Tuoi Tre (Vietnam), RCN (Colombia), Neuroscience News (US), Metro (US), Infobae (Argentina), Montevideo Portal (Uruguay), Mirror (print only) and featured on the UCL homepage:
Lorenzo organised a virtual workshop on "What is Pain in Infants? Current Considerations on the Biological, Cognitive-Behavioural, and Clinical Dimensions of Pain" with Prof Piallai-Riddell from York University (Canada) and Prof Carbajal from Sorbonne University (France) as part of the International Association for the Study of Pain Virtual Series on Pain & Expo.
Dr Kimberley Whitehead gave a presentation on "Maturation of sleep-wake behavioural and cortical organisation" as part of the Cambridge Virtual Neonatal Sleep Symposium