Postdoctoral Research Associate:
2016-current, Claudio Stern Lab, University College London.
2012-2016, Andres Ruiz-Linares Lab, University College London.
2016-current, Honorary Research Associate, Twins UK, King's College London.
PhD in Biostatistics, 2008-2012, Harvard University.
M.Sc. in Biostatistics, 2010, Harvard University.
M.Stat. in Statistics, 2006-2008, Indian Statistical Institute. Minor in Biological Science.
B.Stat. in Statistics, 2003-2006, Indian Statistical Institute. Minor in Biological Science.
Research Publications
Research Grants:
- Geospatial mapping of groundwater Arsenic levels in Bangladesh. UCL Global Engagement Funds, 2017-2018. Principal Investigator.
- Genetic Analysis in Aymara families with evidence of Speech Language Impairment. University of Tarapaca scientific and technological research grant, 2018-2020.
- The genetics of baseline and sensitised pain sensibility in humans. Newton Fund, 2016-2018.
Scholarships & Awards:
- Bogue Research Fellowship, University College London, 2017-2018.
- Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, Department of Biostatistics, Harvard University, 2011.
- Robert B. Reed Prize for Excellence in Biostatistical Science, Harvard University, 2009.
- Jagadis Bose national Science Talent Search (JBNSTS) Scholarship, 2003-2008.
- JBNSTS Project Competition - UCO Bank Project Award, 2008.
Public Engagement:
- Interviewed on 'DNA+', a BBC documentary exploring modern genetics. 2018.
- 'Peacocks In A Pod'. A Naked Scientists podcast from the Genetics Society. 2018.
- 'How we discovered the genetic origin of the 'monobrow' and other hair traits.' The Conversation, 2016.
- Television, radio, print and online news interviews in international media regarding 'A genome-wide association scan in admixed Latin Americans identifies loci influencing facial and scalp hair features', 2016.
- 'How we found the genes that control nose shape - and what they say about us.' The Conversation, 2016.
- Print and online news interviews in international media regarding 'A genome-wide association scan implicates DCHS2, RUNX2, GLI3, PAX1 and EDAR in human facial variation', 2016.
- Graphical user interface for facial phenotyping of ordinal traits (executable & Matlab code).
- Power calculation functions for Genome-Wide Association Studies (R code).
Teaching Experience:
Lecturing, Content Designing, and Tutorial supervision:
- Advanced Human Genetics 1: Research Principles, 2012-2014, UCL.
- Advanced Human Genetics 2: Genetics in Context, 2013-2014, UCL.
- Introduction to Genetic Epidemiology in the GWAS era, 2013, UCL.
- Fundamental Concepts in Gene Mapping, 2009-2011, Harvard University.
- Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms, 2011, Harvard University.
- Analysis of Failure Time Data, 2010, Harvard University.
Academic Mentoring Experience:
Research and Thesis co-supervision of students working under Prof. Andres Ruiz-Linares:
- 4 PhD students, UCL.
- 4 MSc students, UCL.
- 6 Undergraduate students, UCL.
Conference Presentations:
- Invited speaker, Consortium on the study of twinning in Kodinhi, 2016, Kochi, India.
- European Society of Human Genetics, 2016, Barcelona, Spain.
- Invited speaker, Plataforma Multicéntrica de Muestreo Genómico en Argentina, 2015, Puerto Madryn, Argentina.
- Joint Statistical Meetings, 2015, Boston, USA.
- International Society for Bayesian Analysis World Meeting, 2015, Cancun, Mexico.
- European Mathematical Genetics Meeting, 2014, Cologne, Germany.
- American Society of Human Genetics, 2013, Boston, USA.
- European Mathematical Genetics Meeting, 2013, Leiden, Netherlands.
- American Society of Human Genetics, 2012, San Francisco, USA.
- Joint Statistical Meetings, 2011, Miami, USA.
- European Mathematical Genetics Meeting, 2010, Oxford, UK.
- Joint Statistical Meetings, 2010, Vancouver, Canada.
- World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis, 2010, Valencia, Spain.
- International Genetic Epidemiological Society Meeting, 2009, Hawaii, USA.
- Joint Statistical Meetings, 2009, Washington DC, USA.