
UCL Division of Biosciences



The UCL Centre for Computational Biology is an interdisciplinary centre of excellence for mathematical and computational analysis of the fast-growing data in genetics and biology. It is part of the Research Department of Genetics, Environment and Evolution (GEE).

BSc Biological Sciences - Computational Biology 

Biological Sciences is at the centre of UCL’s world-leading research on biodiversity and environmental science as well as human genetics, healthy ageing and many more. Many current research experts from UCL and our partner institutes are actively involved in the teaching of the BSc and MSci in Biological Sciences. Our staff have included Nobel Prize Winners, including 2014 winner and current staff member, John O’Keefe. After the 2nd year, students can transfer to a specialist route in Computational Biology.

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MRes Biosciences - Computational Biology

portico statute with flags

The MRes in Biosciences will provide the opportunity to undertake a major research project and gain in-depth knowledge in the selected subject and to develop the generic skills required for the written and verbal communication of science. The programme is designed for students who wish to undertake a PhD degree or to convert from other relevant disciplines and for those who wish to enter employment in an advanced capacity in industry or the public sector in the field of Bioscience. There is a Computational Biology stream within this programme.

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Summer Studentships

three students in biosciences lab

Each year the Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment offers a number of summer placement opportunities for undergraduate students.

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life sciences students in modern lab

The FLS Alumni Summer Studentships offer undergraduates with an interest in research the opportunity to spend up to eight weeks in one of the FLS research laboratories.

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Postgraduate opportunities 


GEE PhD Programme

The Department has a thriving postgraduate programme. It recruits 15-20 PhD students per annum from a variety of sources including Research Councils, Charity, UCL schemes and a number of inter-disciplinary centres across UCL.

The Department is closely associated with a number of Doctoral Training Centres: CoMPLEX (Centre for Mathematics and Physics in the Life Sciences and Experimental Biology), UCL-Birkbeck MRC Doctoral Training ProgrammeLIDo (BBSRC London Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme) and the London NERC Doctoral Training Programme.

phd student and family at graduation

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Man examines contents of glass jar

GEE Fellowships

There are two different processes for Fellowships at GEE. The first is for Independent Fellowships. These are suitable for researchers with some postdoctoral experience who are ready to start up their own independent research programme.

The second is Short Term and Post Doctoral Fellowships. These are suitable for researchers who have recently completed a doctorate.

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GEE Post Doctoral Researchers

GEE is home to over 50 research groups and a thriving community of some 200 Post-Docs, PhD Students, and support staff. 

The Division of Biosciences provides a range of support for its postdoctoral researchers to help achieve their aspirations in both career and work-life balance.

There are loads of training, career advice, support opportunities etc 

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student at computer screen



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