
UCL Division of Biosciences


Join Us

UCL's Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research (CBER) is a world class centre with a broad research portfolio in biodiversity, ecology and conservation. We are looking to recruit promising early-career researchers to expand our current strengths via several fellowship programmes.

For information on joining CBER as a postdoctoral fellow, please see the Genetics, Evolution and Environment Fellowships wesbite. Applicants should discuss their interests with a relevant member of academic staff well before the deadline of the schemes, especially as some schemes require a named mentor. If you need assistance with identifying a potential sponsor, please send enquiries to Dr Seirian Sumner (email) or Dr Max Reuter (email) who are in charge of fellowship support for the department. Based on preliminary discussions, a shortlist of applicants will be selected for further support and invited to submit a full application by the relevant scheme’s deadline.

A note for non-UK applicants: Fellowships are an integral part of the UK academic system and are the preferred and privileged route towards permanent academic positions. Externally funded grants covering salary and research expenses are open to non-UK applicants from a range of funding agencies. These awards allow early- and mid-career scientists to concentrate on their work unhindered by teaching and administrative loads.

If you are interested in studying within the centre at undergraduate, Masters, or PhD level, please see the Study page.