
UCL Division of Biosciences


ISMB Online Retreat - 2021

22 July 2021–23 July 2021, 9:30 am–3:30 pm

ismb retreat 2021

The Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology (ISMB) bi-annual retreat - 22nd and 23rd July, via Microsoft Teams.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to





Tabitha Owen – Structural and Molecular Biology
020 7679 2308


Held via Microsoft Teams
See link in message below
or contact organiser

ismb logo

Day 1, Thursday, 22nd of July 2021, 0930-1830 hrs

Session 1 09:30-12:00 (150 minutes)
Chairs: John Christodoulou and Finn Werner 

09:30 Welcome by Finn Werner

• 09:30 Keynote lecture Buzz Baum, LMB, Cambridge: ‘Cell division: from archaea to eukaryotes’
• 10:00 Tom Foran ‘The investigation of the microtubule binding mechanism of doublecortin-like kinase by cryo-EM’
• 10:15 Gorjan Stojanowski ’Chemoenzymatic cascades towards unnatural aminoglycoside derivatives’
• 10:30 Shyam Mousumi ‘Can be Mycobactin Biosynthesis Inhibitors a New Hope in Efflux Pump Inhibition?’

Coffee break 10:45-11:00 

• 11:00 Gwenny Cackett ‘African Swine Fever Virus Transcription - from functional genomics to molecular function’
• 11:15 Gabi Heller ‘Probing the pathogenicity and drugability of intrinsically disordered proteins using integrative methods’
• 11:30 Maria Bawn ‘Engineering enzymes to degrade plastic’
• 11:45 Jim Monistrol ‘Disaggregation of alpha-synuclein amyloid fibres by the Hsc70 system’

Lunch break 12:00-12:50
Posters are available for viewing during all breaks but are ‘manned’ during the poster session in the afternoon.

Session 2 13:00-14:15 (75 minutes)
Chair: Lisa Cabrita

• 13:00-13:30 Keynote lecture Michael Jewett, NorthWestern University, US, ‘Reconceptualizing the way complex biological systems are engineered for compelling applications in medicine, materials, and energy’
• 13:30 Kamila Kamuda ‘Molecular basis for alpha-1-antitrypsin aggregation studied by in situ structural biology methods’
• 13:45 Ivana Bukvin ‘How do ribosomes orient the nascent polypeptide during biosynthesis?’
• 14:00 hrs Peter Sjizz ‘Investigation of Chemically Constructed Bispecific Antibodies and their Conjugates for the Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes and Cancer’

Coffee break 14:15-14:30 

Session 3 14:30-15:30 (85 minutes)
Chair: Adrian Shepherd

• 14:30 Keynote lecture Deborah Marks, Harvard Medical School, US ‘Machine learning to accelerate biology’
• 15:00 Sammy Chan ‘The ribosome regulates nascent protein folding by promoting structured intermediates outside the exit tunnel’
• 15:15 James Irving ‘Development of, and mechanistic insights from, a small molecule corrector of alpha-1-antitrypsin aggregation with in vivo efficacy’
• 15:30 Valentina Spiteri ‘Two human IgG antibodies with very different hinges – how do they compare?’

Poster Session 4 15:45-17:00 (75 minutes) on 'GatherTown'
Chair: Amandine Maréchal

Social Session, 17:00-18:30 hrs 
Chair: Outback Team Building
‘Virtual Escape Room Jewel Heist’

Closure 18:30

Day 2, Friday, 23rd of July 2021, 1000-1530 

Session 5 10:00-11:45 (105 minutes)
Chairs: Stefan Howorka and Rachael Dickman

• 10:00 hrs Keynote lecture Adam Nelson, University of Leeds, UK ‘How Best to Explore Chemical Space for Bioactive Molecular Discovery’
• 10:30 Luyao Yang ‘Development of Recombinant Oral dsRNA Vaccines and Fish Growth Hormones Using Transgenic Microalgae’
• 10:45 Sioned Jones ‘Hydrophobic Interactions between DNA Duplexes and Synthetic and Biological Membranes’

Coffee break 11:00-11:45 

• 11:15 Giancarlo Abis ‘Unravelling the mechanism of binding of IMP1 to its RNA targets’
• 11:30 Hannah Britt ‘Structural mass spectrometry insights into dynamic glycoprotein complexes and conformations’

Lunch break 1145-1230 

Session 6 Training session
Chair: Phil Robinson

• 12:30-14:00 Simon Cain from Westbourne Training and Consulting, UK, ‘Pitching & presenting: how to present more effectively in front of funding panels and wider audiences’

Coffee break 14:00-14:15 

Session 7 14:15-15:30 (75 minutes)
Chair: Jerome Gouge

• 14:15-14:45 Keynote lecture Richard H Ebright, Rutgers University, USA ‘Structural basis of transcription-translation coupling
• 14:45 Simona Pilotto ‘Structural basis of RNA polymerase inhibition in the virus-host arms race’
• 15:00 Stephanie Webb ‘Dissecting the molecular mechanism of kinesin2 regulation’

Closing remarks 15:20 Finn Werner