
UCL Division of Biosciences


Visitors and Access Cards

Visitor status is for a short period of research collaboration with Bioscience PIs. The maximum time for which Visitor status can be given is 6 months see

HoRD approval is neeed for all visitors to the Department. Please complete the 

 and return it to Fiona Williamson, Muslima Chowdhury,  or Amy Godfrey (GEE EA or Centre Assistant)

All visiting staff will be granted Associate Staff status. An ID card will be generated automatically and will be ready for collection shortly after the visitor record has been processed.  Your visitors will need to be taken to Security Systems in the Andrew Huxley Building to collect their UCL ID – they will need to take a secondary form of ID with them. 

Visitors who need to access UCL's on-line services will need to request a UCL email address and will have to comply with UCL Information Security Policy. Computer Accounts are generated overnight.

All visitors must have a Health & Safety Induction meeting before their ID card is activated.

  • For Darwin, these are normally held on alternative Tuesdays in the Darwin Common Room at 11:45am and you should contact James Michael (Ext 37374) to make the necessary arrangements.
  • For Medawar, please email biosciences.inductions@ucl.ac.uk to arrange a H&S induction. 

 Visitors will be required to familiarise themselves with UCL Statement of Safety Policy