
UCL Division of Biosciences


David Díez Del Molino

Position:Postdoctoral Research Associate



After graduating in Biological Sciences at the University of Salamanca, and specialize in Conservation Biology at the University Complutense of Madrid, David started a Ph.D. in Population Genetics at the University of Girona, which is focused on discovering the genetic evolutionary framework that underlies the successful life history of mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki), a highly aggressive invader in Mediterranean streams. 

At the UCL, he has joined the Marie-Curie ITN BEAN programme aiming to investigate the Neolithisation of Europe from an evolutionary perspective using computer simulations, modelling and ancient DNA data.


River invasibility of introduced freshwater fish: Population structure of the introduced Gambusia holbrooki. Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN).

Bridging European and Anatolian Neolithic (BEAN) . Marie Curie International Training Network. The 7th Framework Program of the European Commission. 

Email:d.molino (at) ucl.ac.uk; diez.molino (at) gmail.com
Phone:Office: 020 7679 4397
Mobile: (+44) 07821299839
 On the web:Twitter: twitter.com/IndianaDiez
Personal website(CV): diezmolino.github.io