
UCL Division of Biosciences



Cell and Developmental Biology (CDB) Sustainability: CDB is committed to 100% uptake to the LEAF programme.

The LEAF programme
UCL’s LEAF programme helps improve the sustainability of your laboratory. 25% of CDB labs currently participate in the LEAF programme and 25% more have signed up to join the programme in 2022/2023 – we want to shift this to 100% of our research labs and our core facilities.

We encourage all CDB labs to join LEAF.  To do this, send an email to Martin Farley the UCL Sustainable Laboratory Advisor (m.farley@ucl.ac.uk) and let the CDB green committee know (CDBgreen@gmail.com). Martin will guide you on how to access LEAF online, can visit your lab to provide technical advice, and/or give a talk to the lab group on why sustainability is important for laboratory-based research. Members of the CDB green committee can give practical advice and share their sustainability strategy - no need to reinvent the wheel.

Get started now! The LEAF Submission Deadline is in June 2023.

Useful links:

Carbon offsetting for travel 

Free and recycled materials (including lab and office furniture) at UCL

  • Warp-itreuse and recycle surplus redundant resources such as office furniture and lab equipment
  • Toner recycling: Drop off toner cartridges in the box provided by Stores, Anatomy Building
  • Battery disposal: Battery boxes are provided in the basement of the Anatomy Building (near Stores).