
UCL Division of Biosciences


UCL Creative Wellbeing Measures

Positive and Negative Measures

The UCL Creative Wellbeing Measures (CWM) Toolkit is designed to assess levels of psychological wellbeing arising from participation in creative activities. The CWM was trialled and validated across the UK and has now been used for over 50 projects including a dozen or more from abroad. The Toolkit is flexible in its application and supports a ‘pick and mix’ approach. It can be used for a one-off activity or programme of events. It was produced by UCL researchers and funded by the AHRC.

We have recently changed the name of this measure from the UCL Museum Wellbeing Measures to the UCL Creative Wellbeing Measures to reflect the wider use of the measure across the arts, museums, cultural and nature-based activities.

The CWM is free to use for non-commercial purposes. Please contact Dr Linda Thomson for further information: linda.thomson@ucl.ac.uk

Using the UCL Creative Wellbeing Measures

Younger and Older Adult Measures

The CWM booklet of measures (Thomson & Chatterjee, 2013) is available to download in English and Welsh:

UCL Creative Wellbeing Measures Toolkit

Mesurau Llesiant Amgueddfeydd yr UCL

Selected scales from the UCL Creative Wellbeing Measures are available to download (.pdf format) in Chinese, Greek and Italian:




PDF iconUCL Ερωτηματολογιο 0Αξιολογητικό

PDF iconUCL CCW finale lingua italiana

Read more about the measures:

Thomson & Chatterjee (2015). Measuring the impact of museum activities on wellbeing: Developing the Museum Wellbeing Measures Toolkit.

Thomson & Chatterjee (2014). Assessing well-being outcomes for arts and heritage activities: Development of a Museum Wellbeing Measures Toolkit.