Welcome to Dr. Nicholas Bell
3 January 2023
We are delighted to welcome Dr. Nicholas Bell to the Biological Physics group as Lecturer in Experimental Biological and Optical Physics on 3rd January 2023.

Nicholas Bell did his undergraduate studies in Natural Sciences (Physics) at Cambridge University. He then continued at Cambridge for his PhD as part of the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Doctoral Training Centre (2009-2013). His PhD project was in the group of Ulrich Keyser at the Cavendish Laboratory on developing DNA nanotechnology and nanopore sensing for biotechnology applications. He continued this work as a postdoctoral scientist at Cambridge for two years (2014-2016) before moving to the group of Hagan Bayley, Chemistry Department at Oxford University where he studied protein and small molecule transport across biological membrane channels (2016-2017). He was then a postdoctoral training fellow at the Francis Crick Institute (2017-2022) in a joint project with Justin Molloy (Crick), Bart Hoogenboom (UCL) and Astrazeneca where he developed single-molecule force spectroscopy and imaging methods for studying the dynamics of DNA repair proteins. He started his research group at UCL in 2023.
See website for details of his reserach.