The Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Emergent Macromolecular Therapies is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and was launched in November 2011. The initial grant was for five years.
The Centre is hosted at University College London in collaboration with Imperial College London. The core academic collaborators are the Department for Biochemical Engineering, the Department for Chemical Engineering, the Department of Applied Health Research and the School of Pharmacy at UCL and the Department for Chemical Engineering at Imperial College.
The Centre acts as the focus for a national and international network of leading users and academics in biopharmaceutical manufacturing and provides strong support for UK industry.
The research programme is aligned closely to industrial needs and the Centre’s industrial collaborators include major multinational pharmaceutical companies, small biopharmaceutical companies and companies in the supply chain.
The user group is made up of companies, sector groups and networking organisations and provides guidance to the Centre on its research programme, potential impact of its research and transfer of the technology developed. An independent advisory board provides advice to the Centre on longer term strategic issues and on assessing Centre progress.
- Academic partners
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- User group
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