Welcome to Osberth Olubara and Jane Doogan
13 November 2019
UCL Biochemical Engineering welcomes new members of the team Osberth (left), Undergraduate Programme Co-ordinator and Jane (right), acting VaxHub Manager
“I am glad to have joined UCL’s Biochemical Engineering Department as an Undergraduate Teaching and Learning Administrator. Prior to joining UCL, I have gained valuable experience in Student Consultancy & Support and will be working closely with the Undergraduate Programme Co-ordinators and the Admissions and Progression Manager.” Osberth Olubara, November 2019
"I've joined Biochemical Engineering from the UCL Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, where I've worked since 2011. I’m pleased to be providing maternity leave cover for the Vax Hub Project Manager role for the next 13 months." Jane Doogan, November 2019