
UCL Department of Biochemical Engineering


Clone of Hub Ethics Feasibility Studies

UKRI-eligible academic researchers are invited to submit proposals for FTHM Hub Ethics Feasibility Studies. Closing date: 8th December 2021, 17:00 UK time

This call follows from the co-development workshop that took place on 23rd September 2021, with the aim to identify the key ethical issues related to the development, manufacture and implementation of personalised medicines. Funding is being offered to support short feasibility studies in this area, exploring the key research questions that were identified.

UKRI-eligible academic researchers are invited to submit proposals for feasibility studies to outline current and future priorities in ethics research relating to the manufacturing and use of personalised medicines. The Hub will provide £20-45k to support projects of 3 to 6 months duration, funds can be used towards Directly Incurred costs: salary (recently submitted PhD students when studentship funding has come to an end, staff, RAs, PDRAs or technicians), consumables and small travel items, but not overheads and estates costs. In conclusion, recipients are expected to provide a high-level report for the Hub consortium outlining the potential of the technology or approach that has been investigated and the plans for future development.

Studies should fit the remit of the FTHM Hub and successful projects are expected to generate tangible outputs that could include one or more of the following: 

  • Preliminary data that is then used to apply for further funding
  • Publication or white paper that demonstrates study results in a wider context.

In conclusion, each study will provide a high-level report to the Hub consortium outlining the potential of the approach that has been investigated, and briefly outline the plan for future development.  Funding will be released upon satisfactory receipt of this report.

Application Process

Ethics Feasibility Studies are awarded competitively. The application form is designed to be simple and straightforward to complete, comprising just three pages for submission of a detailed work plan, milestones, deliverables and finances (see proposal form). Applicants are responsible for completing institutional research risk assessments and, where necessary, ethics approvals. Applications will be via a 1-stage process and decisions made by a committee of Hub Executive Team members. The deadline for submissions is 22nd October 2021, with successful proposals announced in November 2021.

Key Dates



Opening Date

1st October 2021

Closing Date, application deadline

8th December 2021, 17:00 UK time

Review and decisions by Hub panel

w/c 10th January 2022

Projects can begin

From 1st February 2022

To apply please complete the following document