The following additions have been incorporated within the main bibliography but are listed here for convenience.
Bentham, Jeremy (1992) Rationale of Judicial Evidence: Specially Applied to English Practice (Littleton, Colorado : Rothman)
Bentham, Jeremy (1998) "Discussion sur le papier-monnaie, a propos d'un ouvrage d'H.Thorton," Cahiers d'Economie Politique 32: 149-57
Bentham, Jeremy (1998) Introduzione ai principi della morale e della legislazione (ed. and intro. E. Lecaldano (Utet: Torino)
Bentham, Jeremy, ed. E. Dumont (2002) Panoptikoa (trans. into Basque by Ibon Plazaola; introds. by Larraitz Ugarte Zubizarreta and Catherine Pease-Watkin) (Donostia: Jakinkizunak)
Cruz, Luis M. (2000) Derecho y expectativa. Una interpretación de la teoría jurídica de Jeremy Bentham (Pamplona: Eunsa)
Fagiani, F. (1990) L'utilitarismo classico da Bentham a Sidgwick (Busento: Cosenza)
Ripoli, Mariangela (2001) Itinerari della felicità. La filosofia giuspolitica di Jeremy Bentham, James Mill, John Stuart Mill (Torino: Giappichelli)
Bingham, Tom (Lord Bingham of Cornhill) (2001) "Mr Bentham is Present," Current Legal Problems 54: 673-89
Bozovic, Miran (1995) "'An Utterly Dark Spot': The Fiction of God in Bentham's Panopticon," Qui Parle: Literature, Philosophy, Visual Arts, History 8: 83-108
Bozovic, Miran (2000)"The Body and Psycho; or, of 'Farther Uses of the Dead to the Living'," Umbr(a): A Journal of the Unconscious 1: 81-98
Castignone, S. (1997) "Diritti e nonsensi," Materiali per una storia della cultura giuridica 2: 309-20
Champs, Emmanuelle de (2001) "Garanties contre l'abus de pouvoir et autres écrits sur la liberté politique," Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles 53: 301-304
Chauvet, Christophe (2001) "Pour en finir avec l'inaptitude des fonctionnaires et les déficits publics: les enjeux du recrutement des agents de l'Etat chez Bentham," Communication à la 4e Université d'été en Histoire de la Pensée et Méthodologie Economique (Nice)
Chauvet, Christophe (2002) "Et si l'on traitait les fonctionnaires comme des criminels. Ou le rêve utilitariste de Jeremy Bentham?" Cinquième Université d'été en Histoire de la Pensée et Méthodologie Economique (Paris)
Clero, Jean-Pierre (1999) "Nomenclature et classification dans Chrestomathia de Jeremy Bentham: Critique de l'Encyclopedie et image de la raison," Kairos 14: 49-89
Court, Franklin E. (1997) "Jeremy Bentham's Wager, the Game of Reading, and 'Westron Wind'," Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 30: 1-14
Crimmins, James E. (2002)"Bentham and Hobbes: an Issue of Influence," Journal of the History of Ideas 63: 677-696
Crisp, Roger (2001) "Sanctions in Bentham, Mill, and Sidgwick," Proceedings of the British Academy 109: 117-122
Cruz, Luis M. (1998) "Elementos retóricos en la argumentación jurídica y filosófica de Jeremy Bentham," in A. López Eire et al. (eds.), Retórica, Política e Ideología. Desde la Antigüedad hasta nuestros días, vol 2 (Salamanca: Logo)
Ellerman, D. (2001) "McGregor's Theory Y vs. Bentham's Panopticism: Toward a Critique of the Economic Theory of Agency," Knowledge, Technology, and Policy 14: 34-49
Esterhammer, Angela (2000) "Of Promises, Contracts and Constitutions: Thomas Reid and Jeremy Bentham on Language as Social Action," Romanticism: The Journal of Romantic Culture and Criticism 6: 55-77
Fagiani, F. (1989) "Prudenza, probità e benificenza. Bentham, l'utilitarismo e la tradizione del diritto naturale," Rivista di filosofia [vol.?] 25-63
Gallhofer, Sonja and Jim Haslam (2000) "Bentham on Accounting: A Summary Analysis Reflecting on the Concept of Accountability," The Current State of Business Disciplines 1: 219-36
Gallo, Klaus (2002) "Jeremy Bentham y la 'Feliz Experiencia': Presencia del utilitarismo en Buenos Aires 1821-1824," Prismas 6: 79-96
Gates, Eleanor M. (ed.) (1992) "John Stuart Mill vs. John Bowring: A New-Found Letter," Victorian Periodicals Review 25(4): 173-77
Hinderer, Drew (1995) "Bentham on Poetry, Pushpin, and the Arts," Michigan-Academician 27: 57-64
Hoffman, Lord (2001) "Bentham and Human Rights," Current Legal Problems 54: 61-77
Hostettler, John (1992) "Jeremy Bentham-Reformer Extraordinary," Justice of the Peace and Local Government Law 156: 668-670
Hutchings, Peter J. (1999) "Spectacularizing Crime: Ghostwriting the Law," Law and Critique 10: 27-48
Hutchison, Terence ( 1994) "Jeremy Bentham as an Economist," in The Uses and Abuses of Economics: Contentious Essays on History and Method (London and New York: Routledge, first pub. 1956) also pub. (1991) Bentham as an Economist, Pioneers in Economics 13, ed. Mark Blaug (Aldershot: Edward Elgar)
Jackson, P. T. (2002) "Jeremy Bentham, Foreign Secretary; or, the Opportunity Costs of Neo-Utilitarian Analysis of Foreign Policy," Review of International Political Economy 9: 735-753
Leloup, S. (2002) "Conséquences anticipées et comportements face au risqe dans la pensée économique de Jeremy Bentham," Revue économique 53: 415-424
Leloup, S. (2002) "L'utilite de l'innovation selon Jeremy Bentham," Innovations 16: 229-44
Mini, Peter V. (1991) "The Anti-Benthamism of J. M. Keynes: Implications for the General Theory," American Journal of Economics and Sociology 50: 453-68
Mitchell, Wesley C. (1999) "Bentham's Felicific Calculus," in The Backward Art of Spending Money (Reprint of 1st edn.1918, new pref. & intro. Eli Ginzberg) (London: Transaction)
Morgan, Rod (2000) "The Utilitarian Justification of Torture: Denial, Desert and Disinformation," Punishment and Society 2: 181-196
Mulvihill, James (1989) "The Poetics of Utility: Benthamite Literary Reviewing, 1824-1836," English Studies in Canada 15: 149-161
Mulvihill, James (2002) "Bentham and Elocution," Notes and Queries 49: 471-473
Olivecrona, K. (1990) "La volontà del sovrano: riflessioni sul concetto di legge di Bentham," in Castignone, S. and R. Guastini (eds. trans. M. Ripoli) Realismo giuridico e analisi del linguaggio (Genova, ECIG). Also published in Castignone, S., C. Faralli, M. Ripoli and K. Olivecrona (eds.) (2000) La realtà del diritto. Antologia di scritti (Torino: Giappichelli,)
Pellegrino, G. (2002) "La volontà del sovrano: epistemologia, semantica e definizione di "legge" nell'utilitarismo giuridico di Jeremy Bentham," Materiali per una storia della cultura giuridica. 4: 3-24
Pitts, Jennifer (2003) "Legislator of the World?: A Rereading of Bentham on Colonies," Political Theory 31: 200-234
Polat, N. (2000) "Three Contemporaries: The International, Bentham, and de Sade," Social Text 18: 1-23
Pypin, A. N. (2002) "Bentham's Russian Relations," (trans. N. Renaud) in Sudebnik 7: 581-623, and also in (2002) W. E. Butler and J. E. Henderson (eds.) Russian Legal Texts: The Foundations of a Rule-of-Law and a Market Economy (London: Simmonds & Hill). The Pypin essay was first published in 1917 in Essays on Literature and Society Under Alexander I (OGNI: Petrograd)
Regam, Khalid (1997) "Fabianism vs. Benthamism," Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens: Revue du Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Victoriennes et Edouardiennes de l'Universite Paul Valery, Montpellier 45: 133-51
Ripoli, Mariangela (1989) "Jeremy Bentham e l'invenzione del penitenziario," Materiali per una storia della cultura giuridica 2: 255-84
Ripoli, Mariangela (1989-90) "Utilitarismo e pena capitale. Il tema della pena di morte in Jeremy Bentham e John Stuart Mill," Annali della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza di Genova, 1-2: 397-434
Ripoli, Mariangela (1996) "Finzioni. A proposito di una nuova interpretazione del Panopticon," Materiali per una storia della cultura giuridica 2: 467-77
Ripoli, Mariangela (1999) "Jeremy Bentham, legislador del mundo," Studi in onore di Franca De Marini: 303-20
Sigot, Nathalie (1998) "Les principes d'un systeme monetaire sain selon Bentham," Cahiers d'Economie Politique 32: 117-40
Sigot, Nathalie (2001) "Elie Halévy's La formation du radicalisme philosophique and Bentham's Utilitarianism" History of Economic Ideas 9: 113-31
Sigot, Nathalie (2002) "Jevons's Debt to Bentham: Mathematical Economy, Morals and Psychology," The Manchester School 70: 262-78
Stokes, Peter M. (2001) "Bentham, Dickens, and the Uses of the Workhouse," Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 41: 711-27
Sweet, Nanora (2002) "Felicia Hemans' 'A Tale of the Secret Tribunal': Gothic Empire in the Age of Jeremy Bentham and Walter Scott," European Journal of English Studies 6: 159-71
Torre, A. (2002) "The Emergence of Parliamentary Presidency Models in Late Eighteenth-Century Legislatures (Reflections on a Fragment by Jeremy Bentham)," Parliaments Estates and Representation 22: 89-124
Tusseau, G. & Raimbault, P. (2002) "Jeremy Bentham et le droit constitutionnel. Une approche de l'utilitarisme juridique," Revue internationale de droit comparé 54: 902-904
Viner, Jacob ( 1991) "Bentham and J. S. Mill: The Utilitarian Background," in Douglas A. Irwin (ed.) Essays on the Intellectual History of Economics (Princeton: Princeton University Press, First pub. 1949)
Welsh, Alexander (1990) "Burke and Bentham on the Narrative Potential of Circumstantial Evidence," New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation 21: 607-627
West, Edwin G. (1992) "The Benthamites as Educational Engineers: The Reputation and the Record," History of Political Economy 24: 595-621
Englemann, Stephen Guido (1996) "Imagining Interest: Bentham, State Rationality, and the Economic Polity," USA: Johns Hopkins University
Song, Kiho (2002)"The Benthamite Theory of Fiction and Problems of Language in Robert Browning's 'The Ring and the Book,'" USA: Michigan State University