The following additions have been incorporated within the main bibliography but are listed here for convenience.
(2009) "Thinking Around the Box: The Work of the Bentham Project," British Academy Review 13: 46-50
Bellet, M. (2009) "On the utilitarian roots of Saint-Simonism: from Bentham to Saint-Simon," History of Economic Ideas 17: 41-64
Bozzo-Rey, Malik (2009) "Entre analyse linguistique et théorie générale du droit: La Nomographie de Jeremy Bentham," International Journal for the Semiotics of Law 22: 425-36
Champs, Emmanuelle de (2009) "Bentham and Benthamism," History of European Ideas 35: 391-4
Cox, Brian E. (2009) "Bentham on Guardianship: A Special Relation for Protection and Representation," Journal of Bentham Studies 11
Draper, Anthony J. (2009) "Punishment, Proportionality and the Economic Analysis of Crime," Journal of Bentham Studies 11
Peter (2009) "Une petite mappemonde du chaos: La délibération
parlementaire chez Bentham et Dumont," in Emmanuelle de Champs &
Jean-Pierre Cléro (eds.), Bentham et la France: fortune et infortunes de l'utilitarisme (Oxford: SVEC): 129-41
Niesen, Peter (2009) "Nützlichkeit, Sicherheit, Demokratie: Zur neueren Diskussion um Jeremy Benthams Utilitarismus," Neue Politische Literatur 54: 241-59
Niesen, Peter (2009) "Vom Nutzen der Toten für die Lebenden. Zu Jeremy Benthams 'Staatseinnahmen ohne Belastung'," Berliner Debatte/Initial 20: 62-9
Sandoval Arango, Cristina (2008) "L'Inghilterra di Bentham in Colombia," Revista Historia y Sociedad 14: 143-74
Schofield, Philip (2009) "Werner Stark and Jeremy Bentham's Economic Writings," History of European Ideas 35: 475-94
Sigot, Nathalie (2009) "Bentham's way to democracy," History of European Ideas 35: 112-15
Sokol, Mary (2009) "Blackstone and Bentham on the Law of Marriage," in Wilfrid Prest (ed.), Blackstone and his Commentaries: Biography, Law, History (Oxford and Portland, OR: Hart Publishing): 91-110
Tessier, P. (2009) "Harsanyi, Sen ou Bentham: Quelle perspective adopter pour l'évaluation du bien-étre en santé?," Revue Economique 60: 1309-34 REVIEWS
Tregenza, I. (2009) "Utilitarianism and Historical Understanding," History of Political Thought 30: 547-51
Sandoval Arango, Cristina (2005) "Per una storia del benthamismo in Gran Colombia (1820-1830)" PhD, Florence, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy