The following additions have been incorporated within the main bibliography but are listed here for convenience.
Bruni, Luigino and Pier Luigi Porta (eds.) (2005) Economics and Happiness: Framing the Analysis (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press)
Heydt, Colin (2006) Rethinking Mill's Ethics: Character and Aesthetic Education (New York, NY: Continuum)
Porta, Pier Luigi and Luigino Bruni, (eds.) (2007) Handbook on the Economics of Happiness (Northampton, MA, US: Edward Elgar Publishing)
Rosen, Frederick (ed.) (2007) Jeremy Bentham (International Library of Essays in the History of Social and Political Thought) ((Aldershot: Ashgate)
Anderson, Elizabeth S. (1991) "John Stuart Mill and Experiments in Living,"
Ethics 102: 4-26
<> 17.12.07
Deary, Vincent (2005) "Explaining the unexplained? Overcoming the distortions of a dualist understanding of medically unexplained illness," Journal of Mental Health 14: 213-221
Fitzgerald, Amy and Linda Kalof (2007) "Animals as philosophical and ethical subjects," in Amy Fitzgerald and Linda Kalof (eds.) The Animals Reader: The Essential Classic and Contemporary Writings (Oxford: Berg)
Marco E. L. (2007) "Jeremy Bentham's quantitative analysis of happiness
and its asymmetries," in Pier Luigi Porta and Luigino Bruni (eds.) Handbook on the Economics of Happiness (Northampton, MA, US: Edward Elgar Publishing) 68-94
Halpin, Andrew (1996) "The Concept of a Legal Power,"
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 16: 129-152
<> 17.12.07
Kaswan, Mark (2007) "Happiness, Politics and the Co-operative Principles," Journal of Co-operative Studies 40: 30-40
Kevelson, Roberta (1992) "Property as Rhetoric in Law,"
Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 4: 189-206
< 17.12.07
McLaughlin, Kevin (1996) "The Financial Imp: Ethics and Finance in Nineteenth-Century Fiction," A Forum on Fiction 29:165-183 < 17.12.07
Pettit, Philip William (1999) "Before Negative and Positive Liberty," in Republicanism - A Theory of Freedom and Government <>
Robinson, James C. (1990) "Philosophical Origins of the Social Rate of Discount in Cost-Benefit Analysis,"
The Milbank Quarterly 68: 245-265
<> 1712.07
Frederick Rosen (2006) "Epicureanism and the Enlightenment," in G. McDowell and J. O'Neill (eds.) America and Enlightenment
Constitutionalism (New York and Basingstoke: Palgrave
Macmillan): 81-98
Frederick Rosen (2006) "Utilitarianism and the Reform of the Criminal Law," in M. Goldie and R. Wokler (eds.) The Cambridge
History of Eighteenth-Century Political Thought (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press): 547-72
Frederick Rosen (2007) "The Method of Reform: J.S. Mill's Encounter with Bentham and
Coleridge," in N.
Urbinati and A. Zakaras (eds.) J.S. Mill's Political Thought: A Bicentennial Reassessment (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 124-44
Rudanko, Juhani (2005) "The Fallacy of Ad Socordiam and Two Types of Speaker Intentions: A Case Study from the First Congressional Debate on the Bill of Rights in 1789," Journal of Pragmatics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Language Studies 37: 723-36
Schwartzberg, M. (2007) "Jeremy Bentham on Fallibility and Infallibility," Journal of the History of Ideas 68: 563-586
Sullivan, Robert R. (1996) "The birth of the prison: Discipline or punish?," Journal of Criminal Justice 24: 449-458 <> 17.12.07
Whittington, Dale and Duncan MacRae, Jr. (1990) "Comment: Judgments about Who Has Standing in Cost-Benefit Analysis,"
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 9: 536-547
<> 17.12.07
Wu, Duncan (2005) " Hazlitt, Francis Place, and the Bentham Circle," Charles Lamb Bulletin 132: 95-103
Kumar, S. S. (2006) "Reassessing J.S. Mill's liberalism: the influence of August Comte, Jeremy Bentham, and Wilhelm von Humboldt," Ph.D. London, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK