Work began in May 2010 on an important volume which will contain Bentham's writings on Sex. The volume will bring to the light of day many hundred folios of hitherto unpublished manuscripts (although C.K. Ogden published a short extract from these manuscripts as an Appendix to his Theory of Legislation, 1931).
In part the manuscripts provide a continuation to Bentham's Not Paul, but Jesus, published under the pseudonym Gamaliel Smith in 1823. This part of the new volume continues the theme that the teachings of St Paul were actually very different from the teachings of Jesus, and that on sexual matters, St Paul's strictures were his own, rather than those of Jesus.
The rest of the volume will be concerned with Bentham's views on a number of issues of sexual behaviour. On certain subjects, for example homosexuality, his views were many decades ahead of their time. On the principle of utility, he argues, there is no justification for criminalizing this practice. Bentham also had radical ideas on the subject of infanticide, arguing that the welfare of the mother must take precedence over that of the infant. For the first time, scholars will be able to study Bentham's thought in the very important field of sexual morality and health. In support of his arguments, Bentham frequently cites works of classical literature, and novels from his own time. Thus the new volume will be rich in allusion, and demonstrates once again the breadth of Bentham's intellectual scope.
The research is being funded by the Leverhulme Trust.
Catherine Pease-Watkin
September 2010