Optimising the involvement of young people in mental health research
Understanding the barriers and enablers of involving young people of different identities in mental health research.

2 July 2024
Why this research is important
Young people’s mental health is a growing concern in the UK, but not all young people experience mental health issues in the same way. For example, lower household income is associated with worse adolescent mental health. So that services and treatments can best support young people, they need to be designed to meet the needs of young people of all backgrounds and identities. Involving a diverse range of young people in a meaningful way in all stages of mental health research can help achieve this. We will use a behaviour change approach to understand the barriers and enablers of involving young people of different identities in mental health research. We will identify behaviour change strategies and techniques to optimise involvement.
Find out more
Read the team's latest paper, which provides a practical resource for researchers considering involving young people in the research process, and suggests what data should be collected to improve reporting on the diversity of the young people involved:
Read a blog from Sally, a member of the NIHR's Young People’s Advisory Group, who advised on this study:
Email Rachel: rachel.perowne.19@ucl.ac.uk