
Centre for Behaviour Change


External news

News from external partners and organisations relating to behaviour change that may be of interest.

Studentships & fellowships at the Montreal Behavioural Medicine Centre:

The MBMC aims to attract and train graduate-level students and postdoctoral fellows in a dynamic, multidisciplinary, university/hospital setting. They also aim to welcome research assistants into their team. The MBMC is committed to providing a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace.

Until November 29, they are recruiting for the following positions:

Project: Development of an AI-driven behavioural ehealth intervention
Seeking: Postdoc fellow, PhD student and Master's student
Learn more: https://mbmc-cmcm.ca/mbmc/study/

Project: Evidence Syntheses and Systematic Review Methodology
Seeking: Postdoc fellow and PhD student
Learn more: https://mbmc-cmcm.ca/mbmc/study/

Project: Behaviour Change Communication Training for Healthcare Professionals (MOTIVATOR Program)
Seeking: Posdoc fellow, PhD student and Master's student
Learn more: https://mbmc-cmcm.ca/mbmc/study/

Project: iCARE Study (International Assessment of COVID-19-related Attitudes, Concerns, Responses and Impacts in Relation to Public Health Policies Study)
Seeking: PhD student
Learn more: https://mbmc-cmcm.ca/mbmc/phd-icare/

Project: Longitudinal Health Consequences of Bariatric Surgery (REBORN)
Seeking: Master's student
Learn more: https://mbmc-cmcm.ca/mbmc/fr/msc-reborn/